- 01/12/2023
- aru. is selected at KIGOCOCHI
- Our collection Ridge is selected at one of the item of "KIGOCOCHI" by MITSUBISHI ESTATE HOME CO.,Ltd.
▶︎ Click here to read details

- 11/05/2023
- Keiji Takeuchi was selected as one of the 10 designers at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan 2023
- Keiji Takeuchi was selected as one of the 10 designers at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan 2023. During the exhibition, the aru. collection “Ridge” was on display and attracted many visitors.
Salone del Mobile.Milano Web site
What is the Salone del Mobile.Milano?
"The Federation of Italian Furniture Industries (FLA) is a subsidiary of FLA Eventi (Federlegno Arredo Eventi / Federle Eventi) (, a company formerly known as COSMIT, which has been operating for more than 60 years. It is the world's largest furniture and interiors trade exhibition. Only companies that have passed the organiser' rigorous selection process are allowed to exhibit."
Translated from

- 11/05/2023
- aru. was introduced in KIDZUKI
- aru. was introduced in "KIDZUKI", a cutting-edge initiative by MITSUBISHI ESTATE HOME CO.,Ltd.
In a world overflowing with things, what is comfort for us? What is wealth? In pursuit of this goal, we found a natural material called "wood". These are the door handles named "aru". The design, which was created by confronting a product that exists all over the world and that many people touch unconsciouly, contains an essential concept that we should cherish in our daily lives.
▶︎ Click here to read more

- 27/03/2023
- Japanese Lifestyle magazine featured aru.
- Our First collection Ridge was featured in Japanese Lifestyle magazine " I'm home. "
▶︎ I'm home. no.123 2023 MAY
- 27/10/2022
- An our collection’s designer is featured
- Designer Keiji Takeuchi's efforts were introduced on AXIS Web Magazine in Japan.

- 07/10/2022
- Our collection is featured
- Our collection is featured in Japanese life design magazine “Casa Brutus” November issue.

- 01/07/2022
- New collection launch
- A new story is about to begin.
We specialise in high quality wooden door handles and accessories for home and architectural uses.
“Aru” is a Japanese word that represents a philosophical state of being and existence for things. We believe that our vision for design that unpretentiously lives in our environments traces the same nature of what this word stands for.
We are pleased to launch our first collection today!